Dear Friends,
The last few months have been extremely productive regarding new research at the Davidoff Center.
The research staff at the Charles E Trobman Data Center for Research Development at The Davidoff Center continues to expand.
Dr. D. Margel joined the staff at Davidoff center as a cancer epidemiologist and data analyst. We are sure his work will flourish in the coming years.
Early detection of cancer, a major theme of research, is evolving very fast. Dr. N. Peled recently joined the Oncology Division, and started several protocols for early detection of pulmonary malignancies. His studies may help detect patients with less advanced disease, leading to an increased number of patients cured from lung cancer.
As described last year, we embarked in a large project of human tumors transplanted in a mouse model. This work is done in cooperation with I. Haviv PhD from Bar-Ilan University. In the last months we were successful in establishing several human tumors in mouse models and try to deliver better and more accurate therapies to patients based upon the animal model. This is one the very novel venues in cancer care.
Other projects such as treatment related toxicity in cooperation with Tel-Aviv University continue to produce many related publications.
As described in the past, due to our excellent standards and performance more studies have begun.
These years are extremely critical and exciting years in cancer research and we must do our utmost to continue to increase our research activity and become involved in many more new ideas in cancer research.
We continue to face increasing shortage in space and more sophisticate research facilities, personnel and personnel space, which are crucial for our ongoing work.
Your partnership continues to be vital to these efforts and your additional support is greatly needed as cancer research becomes more complicated, time consuming and expensive.
Glad to have you as our partners in the fight against cancer.
Salomon. M. Stemmer, MD
Head of Research
Deputy Chief, Oncology Division, Oncology Institute
Davidoff Center, Rabin Medical Center
As hundreds of white and blue balloons
were released into the sky, the first
cancer patients walked through the
doors of the Davidoff Center on that
beautiful Sunday of May 8, 2005.
The Davidoff Cancer Center at Israel’s Rabin Medical Center benefits from the support of the Davidoff Foundation’s international board and hosts a bi-annual international conference which includes top doctors and researchers.
American Friends of Rabin Medical Center and the New Circle Committee members hosted
a fun-filled evening for Israeli professionals in real estate and finance on March 23, 2006
at the prestigious new 20 Pine Street building, referred to as "The Collection.