Dr. Roy Hod

Department of Otolaryngology at New York Presbyterian Hospital, 2012



Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery,
Rabin Medical Center,
Beilinson Campus,
Petach Tikva, 49100, Israel


1998-2004        Facolta' di Medicina e Chirurgia, Universita' Degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, Italy
12004 Oct.        MD final score 106\110 Title of Master's Thesis: The "home" non-stress test in evaluating the fetus in high risk pregnancies
Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Mello


2006-present Postgraduate Studies in Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, Sackler Faculty Of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel


Academic Experience: 

2006- present            Tutor to medical students, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.

2007-2008                 Best clinical instructor award, Sackler faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.

03.2010                     A member of the organizing committee of the "Sackler   Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Research Fair".

04.2010                     Clinical instructor, Sackler faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

04.2010                     In charge of departmental website forums in Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery:

01.2011                    Member of the writing group - The Israeli guidelines for Pre-operative and Operative Recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of thyroid gland neoplasm's. Roy Hod, Gideon Bahar, Ziv Gil, Rafi Feinmesser, Dan Fliss.

04.2012                    A member of the organizing committee of the "Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-aviv University, 2nd Research fair".

Clinical Experience:

2004-2005            Internship, Careggi Hospital, Firenze, Italy- European Medical license

2005-2006            Internship, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petach Tikva, Israel-      
                             Israeli Medical License Number 82183
2006-present        Resident, Department of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, Rabin
                             Medical Center, Petach Tikwa, Israel
06-12.2011           Basic science fellowship: The influence of insertion of a cochlear implant on the
                             Physiology of the inner ear
                             Tutors: Prof. Joseph Attias, Prof. Benny Nageris, Dr. Eyal Raveh
                             Felsenstein Medical Research Center (FMRC), Rabin Medical Center- Beilinson 
                             Campus, Petach Tiqva, Israel

06.11- present      Assistant to Prof. Karl Segal in private practice surgery

03.2012                Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Asaf Harofe Hospital, Israel.

06.2012                Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Dr. Andre Sultan, Paris, France


2008           Annual Meeting of the Israel Urologic Association, Eilat.

2009           Annual Meeting of the Israel Urologic Association, Eilat.

2010           Annual Meeting of the Israel Urologic Association, Eilat.

2011            9th European Urology Residents Education Program (EUREP), Prague


2007            The Annual Meeting of the Israel Society of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck
                    Surgery, Eilat, Israel     

2008            The Annual Conference of the Israeli Society of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and
                    Neck Surgery, Zefat, Israel

2008           The Annual Meeting of the Israel Society of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck
                   Surgery, Eilat, Israel     

2009           The Annual Meeting of the Israel Society of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck
                   Surgery, Eilat, Israel

2009           DIP 2009, Sorrento, Italy

2009           AFIDOC, Fifth International Meeting of the Association Franco-Israelienne d’Orl et de
                   Chirurgie Cervico-Facial, Jerusalem, Israel

2009           Second World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO 2009),
                   Toronto, Canada

03.2010      The Annual Meeting of the Israel Society of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck
                   Surgery, Eilat, Israel

03.2010     The "Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Medicine, Research fair"

04.2010      3 Day course of Esthetic nasal + FESS surgery, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Israel

11.2010      The Annual Conference of the Israeli Society of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and    
                   Neck Surgery, Zefat, Israel

03.2011      DIP 2011, Salzburg, Austria

06.2011      2011 Annual meeting of the Israeli Rhinologic society, Caesarea, Israel

07.2011      Rhinology and endoscopic surgery pre-congress course by Prof. Heinz Stammberger,
                   Barcelona, Spain
07.2011      Congress of the confederation of the European ORL-HNS, Barcelona, Spain

10.2011      Israel Oto-neurology Society Meeting, Asaf Harofe Hospital, Israel

11.2011      The Annual Conference of the Israeli Society of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and    
                   Neck Surgery, Jerusalem, Israel

03.2012      The Annual Meeting of the Israel Society of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck

                   Surgery, Eilat, Israel


1.      R. Hod, R. Feinmesser, J. Shvero.
         Carbon dioxide laser cordectomy for verrucous carcinoma of vocal folds.
         Oral presentation at The Annual Conference of the Israel Society of Otorhinolaryngology &   
         Head and Neck Surgery, Eilat, Israel, March 2009.

2.      Bachar G, Hod R, Goldstein DP, Irish JC, Gullane PJ, Brown D, Gilbert RW, Hadar T, 
         Feinmesser R, Shpitzer T.
         Outcome of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma in patients with and   
         Without known risk factors.
         Oral presentation at the Second World Congress of the International Academy of Oral
         Oncology (IAOO), Toronto, Canada, July 2009.

3.      R. Hod, I. Buda, R. Feinmesser, J. Shvero.
         Chondrosarcoma of the larynx.
         Oral presentation at the Academic Meeting of the Israeli Otolaryngologic Society, Tel Aviv,
         Israel, July 2009

4.      E. Soudry, M. Pries, R. Hod, Y. Hamzani, T. Hadar, G. Bahar, T. Shpitzer.
         Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue in patients over 75 years old.
         The Annual Conference of the Israel Society of Otorhinolaryngology & Head
         and Neck Surgery, Eilat, Israel, March 2010.

5.      Bachar G, Hod R, Goldstein DP, Irish JC, Gullane PJ, Brown D, Gilbert RW, Hadar T, 
         Feinmesser R, Shpitzer T.
         Outcome of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma in patients with and without known risk  
         Poster presentation at The "Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Medicine, Research fair", March 

6.      R. Hod, E. Raveh, D. Olanovski
         The role of ENT in congenital CMV infection
         Oral presentation at the Postgraduate course of DIP 2011, Salzburg, Austria, March 2011

7.      R. Hod, G. Bahar, R. Feinmesser, J. Shvero
         Insular thyroid carcinoma- A clinico-pathological study
         Oral presentation at The Annual Conference of the Israel Society of Otorhinolaryngology &  
         Head and Neck Surgery, Eilat, Israel, March 2011

8.      R. Hod, G. Bahar, R. Feinmesser, J. Shvero
         Insular thyroid carcinoma- A clinico-pathological study
         Poster presentation at the 1st congress of the confederation of the European 
         Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck surgery, Barcelona, Spain, July 2011

9.      Nageris B., Hod R.
         Investigation of Sudden Sensori-neural Hearing loss- To screen or not to screen?
         Israel Oto-neurology Society Meeting, Asaf Harofe Hospital, Israel, October 2011

10.    Hod R. , Buda I., Hazan A., Nageris Benny
                     Inlay "butterfly" cartilage tympanoplasty
        Oral presentation at The Annual Conference of the Israel Society of Otorhinolaryngology &  
                    Head and Neck Surgery, Eilat, Israel, March 2012

11.     Hod R., Joseph Attias, Eyal Raveh, Ben Nageris
                      Cochleostomy- a cause of hearing loss?
          Oral presentation at The Annual Conference of the Israel Society of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, Eilat, Israel, March 2012

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