Viagra: Not for Sex Only

It improved the sex lives of millions of men worldwide, and now Viagra has been found to aid in the treatment of a deadly lung disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension. Strangely enough, this hypertension mainly affects women. The Pulmonary Institute at Rabin Medical Center, Directed by Prof. Mordechai Kramer, participated in a trial study of 20 Israelis out of 280 patients world wide, testing the effects of viagra. The study found that the medication definitely improved the patient's condition.

A few years ago, there was no known treatment for this relatively rare disease. People's lives steadily deteriorated once the disease was active, causing heart failure and death within only three years. The results of this study were published in the prestigious medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine. While viagra may not cure pulmonary arterial hypertension, it improves heart functioning, pulmonary artery pressure, and offers an enhanced quality of life.

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