Women Mobilizing for New Breast Care Center

L-R: Janice Gillerman, Iris Bahr, Ambassador Dan Gillerman

The annual American Friends of Rabin Medical Center Women's Luncheon was hosted by the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations and his wife, Ambassador Dan and Janice Gillerman, in their Manhattan home. Seventy women, old and new friends of the Rabin Medical Center, attended the elegant luncheon. The event co-chairs were Dr. Bilha Fish, Jacki Florin, Phyllis Trobman, and Amira Rotem. Ambassador Gillerman said that every day, as he advocates for Israel, he takes strength and feels proud that Israel is "a country that makes the desert bloom, limbs move with medicine, and a country that makes the world a better place with its creativity and excellence and innovation. Israel's excellence is exemplified by Rabin Medical Center, an institution that stands for compassion, coexistence between Arabs and Jews, and advancing technologies for the region and the entire world."

AFRMC Executive Director Dr. Joshua Plaut thanked Janice Gillerman for initiating an annual Luncheon to support a new comprehensive Breast Care Center at the hospital. Dr. Plaut noted that everyone in the audience knows someone afflicted with breast cancer. Dr. Bilha Fish stressed that breast cancer is a complex disease requiring that Rabin Medical Center adopt a multidisciplinary approach to centralize the services women patients require in one state-of-theart facility. All guests at the luncheon were given a list of vital equipment needed for the future Breast Care Center.

Joshua Plaut recognized Eve Queler, maestro of the Opera Orchestra of NY, on her 100th performance at Carnegie Hall. Jacki Florin, producer, philanthropist, and AFRMC Board member introduced the luncheon's performer, Iris Bahr, star of the acclaimed Off Broadway Israeli one-woman show DAI. Iris Bahr regaled everyone and then spoke movingly about her own mother's breast cancer and the trauma her family suffered during this illness. She stressed the need for an integrated Breast Care Center for women in Israel that would have not only cutting-edge facilities for early detection and the most modern technology, but also the psychological support, social services and compassion for which Rabin Medical Center is noted. Iris described breast cancer as "terrifying," and as a disease which attacks the "base of your femininity." She spoke with pride how Rabin Medical Center is leading the fight in Israel against breast cancer: "The Rabin Medical Center is known for its world-renowned staff and care, and they care for people across the spectrum, regardless of race or ethnicity." It is "Humanity without Borders" in action.

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