Dr. Dean Ad-El in India with a patient
With little time to spare in his busy schedule as the Head of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Burn Unit at Rabin Medical Center, Dr. Dean Ad-El found his way to India to spend two weeks operating on Indian children born with a cleft lip and palate. These children, who live in poverty, have no hope of paying for this operation, which costs as little as $250 dollars. Without this corrective surgery they cannot eat or speak properly and face difficult lives filled with shame, isolation, pain and heartache. This endeavor was sponsored by "The Smile Train" program, through which doctors from around the world volunteer to operate on these children in all impoverished countries.
Dr. Ad-EL was happy to volunteer for such an important mission that dramatically changes the lives of these children. Their smile is truly worth a thousand words.
Abu Chadaid Nabil, an 11 year
old Arab boy from Khan Yunes, in
the Gaza Strip, underwent a lung
transplant at Rabin Medical Center
in April 2008.
Rabin Medical Center continues to strengthen its ties with the Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) in Washington, DC, one of America's leading medical institutions.
In continued support and friendship with Rabin Medical Center, Harold and Tamar Snyder have generously funded an internship in the field of gynecology.