The American Friends of Rabin Medical Center held its Tenth Annual Gala Dinner on November 2, 2009, on board the fabulous newly refurbished Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. This year's Honoree was Teva Pharmaceuticals North America and their CEO William S. Marth. This was American Friends of Rabin Medical Center's most successful dinner ever, with over 760 people in attendance, including diplomats, civic, business and philanthropic leaders of their respective industries.
This unforgettable evening was hosted by acclaimed television interviewer and broadcast journalist personality Charlie Rose. He noted that he had met with his friend the late Prime Yitzhak Rabin, after whom Rabin Medical Center is named, at Rabin's last trip at a Gala on the Intrepid fourteen years ago. A video of Rabin's last speech was shown, and Charlie Rose recalled that at the end of that speech, Rabin had turned to Rose one last time and said "See you in Jerusalem." In his remarks Charlie Rose noted the commonalities between Rabin Medical Center and Teva, one of the world's top 20 pharmaceutical companies, and one of the world's largest producers of generic pharmaceuticals. He said that both are important parts of Israel's history, and both share a bright future. Both share the same campus in Petach Tikvah, Israel, and are leaders in their respective fields. Most importantly, both share the common goal of making quality healthcare available to those who need it most.
Sherrill Milnes sang the American national anthem, and New York University's Jewish a capella group, Ani V'Ata, sang the Israeli national anthem. With the evening's theme of Broadway on the Hudson, legendary comedian Robert Klein performed his hilarious stand-up routine, including his famed colonoscopy lyrics. Dan'yelle Williamson and Brad Bass performed two songs from Memphis, the new Broadway show that just opened at the Shubert Theater. Savion Glover, one of the world's greatest tap dancers and a Tony Award-winning choreographer, brought the audience to their feet with his extraordinary performance. The National Jazz Museum in Harlem accompanied the dinner, and there was a lively After Party headlined by the New York City Swing band.
The evening was dedicated to fundraising for cardiac care, research and treatment at Rabin Medical Center in Petach Tikvah, one of Israel's premier hospitals and a beacon of hope and healing for the entire region. The Rabin Medical Center is working towards the establishment of a new future Heart Center. Abraham "Barry " Cohen, Chairman of American Friends of Rabin Medical Center, spoke eloquently about the hospital, as did Stephen Siegel, President of the Board of American Friends of Rabin Medical Center, who mentioned that the next American Friends of Rabin Medical Center Golf Tournament will take place on May 18, 2010.
Nava Barak, president of Friends of Rabin Medical Center, noted that Rabin Medical Center has the largest Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Departments in Israel. Dr. Eyran Halpern, Rabin Medical Center's CEO, welcomed the crowd and thanked them warmly for their strong support in this very difficult year. Dr. Eyal Porat, director of the Cardiothoracic Surgery Department at Rabin Medical Center, spoke about the lifesaving work in cardiology performed at the hospital. In 2008 there were 48,000 visits to the ambulatory cardiology clinic, over 400 pacemaker procedures, 4,027 cardiac catheterizations, and over 100 heart surgeries including heart transplants. Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gabriela Shalev spoke of her deep gratitude for the support for Israel shown this evening. Teva North America's CEO William Marth was greeted with thunderous applause. This was followed by a very successful auction of much-needed cardiac equipment for the hospital and beautiful Israeli artwork by David Gerstein, Israeli sculptor and painter, and by Israeli artist Yigal Ozeri.
This extraordinary Gala Dinner has become an annual fixture of the New York City charity circuit. Upcoming very popular American Friends of Rabin Medical Center events include: the annual Real Estate Professionals networking event at the spectacular SICIS showroom; an elegant Women's Luncheon; a spring Art Auction; a Golf Tournament at the prestigious Quaker Ridge Golf Club in Scarsdale, NY; and a Wall Street, High-Tech and Life Sciences Young Professionals event. American Friends of Rabin Medical Center warmly thanks all of our supporters for their friendship and generosity.
A 27-year-old man from Kibbutz Tzova, who was born with a serious congenital defect, received a heart and two lungs just before Passover in a rare, lifesaving operation.
AFRMC board member Bilha Fish,
M.D., is the president of the
newly-created American Physician
Friends of Rabin Medical Center, an
exciting partnership between
American doctors and Israel's Rabin
Medical Center.
A researcher at Zebra Medical Vision has created a new mammography algorithm that uses machine and deep learning to diagnose breast cancer (BC), with results that the company claims are superior to those achieved using current methods.